Effective Tactics For Lead Generation

The best way to capture the attention of leads is through stories that are brief, compelling, and to the point

Effective Tactics For Lead Generation

  • 14 April, 2022

The best way to capture the attention of leads is through stories that are brief, compelling, and to the point. This can be done by using catchy—yet organic—language when composing your pitch. That means: sound conversational; not like a robot. The trick is to be casual and technical at the same time. Tone is important. So be relatable, but also authoritative. Be confident yet not arrogant. It’s possible to be both down-to- earth AND intelligent.

Don’t forget how indispensable calls to action (CTAs) are for cultivating leads. Link each CTA to a dedicated landing page. This may seem obvious, but it is surprising how many marketers fail to create dedicated landing pages for their featured deals, special offers, tutorials, demos, newsletter subscriptions, etc. CTAs are meant to send visitors to a landing page where they can receive a specific offer.

Keep your messaging consistent; and be sure to do what you claim you’re going to do (regarding invitations, CTAs, scheduled calls, etc.) Dependability is a sign that you can be counted on; that the prospect can believe what you tell them.

The highest-converting lead gen campaigns are the ones that deliver on what they promise and create a seamless transition from ad copy and design to the deliverable. To keep the sales pipeline moving, be sure that you’re presenting a consistent message throughout the process. Make sure it is apparent that you are providing value to everyone that engages with your lead capturing efforts.

Even if your CTA is about your brand (and perhaps not an offer like a download), you should still be sending them to a targeted landing page that’s relevant to what they are looking for—especially one that includes an opt-in form. If you have the opportunity to use a CTA, don’t just send them to any page; send them to a page that will convert them into a lead.

When it comes to composing emails, let’s look at how the experts approach the wording. Here are three gimmicks that have proven effective over time: ONE: AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) In the main body of the email, grab the reader’s attention, outline why it should interest them, build desire, then get them to take action. Entice, show incentives, motivate, then show them how to get the benefit you’ve outlined.

Subject: Time-saving software
Hello, [target name]

What would you do with an extra 10 hours each week? I ask because clients like you have seen savings like these after using our platform. Just ask experts like [insert well- known client] who we are happy to count as satisfied customers. I’d love to set up a time to walk you through a personalized demo. Would you have some free time to connect in the coming week?


TWO: Praise-Picture-Push (PPP):

A touch of flattery never hurts, especially if you can use it to reinforce how much recipients could be accomplishing with your solution. That’s where PPP can be very effective. Start with a genuine compliment about a recent achievement or accomplishment on the part of the recipient. Paint a rosy picture of all they could achieve—how much better they could flourish—with your product / service. Effectively, you’re saying: “I see that you’re great at what you do. Here’s how you could be even better!” You can then encourage them to take action. Such an approach goes something like this:

Hi [target name],

Congrats! I just saw that you were chosen as a speaker for [insert conference name]next month.

As you’re preparing for your presentation, it’s natural to fall behind on other tasks. If you’re struggling to keep up, I’d love to show you how our software can help you reclaim ten hours or more per week. Can I have ten minutes of your time next week to give you a personalized demo?


THREE: Share A Valuable Resource:

You want to be seen as an asset to your recipients. So it is important to clearly and compellingly show points of value each and every time they opt to open one of your emails. One of the quickest ways to do this is to share relevant resources with them. This shows that you understand what they do, that you appreciate the challenges they face, and that you’re familiar with the problems / solutions with which they are concerned on a daily basis.

Find a highly relevant piece of content like a LinkedIn post or blog post or online article; then share it with them…as if you have THEM SPECIFICALLY in mind. This makes them feel noticed. It’s hard to be mad about receiving relevant content, even in unsolicited emails. Ensure you establish trust before sharing an article URL as it could trigger the spam filter.

So be careful to use an article or blogpost that is specific to what you do; and talks about benefits. Relevance is key if you want to resonate with the target. Ensure it includes some useful information. Then compose something that is roughly the following:

Subject: Thought you might like this article

Hi [target name]:

Your latest article on [topic of interest] got me thinking. I found this article on [article title] that may be beneficial to you and your team. Here’s the link to check it out: [link]. Hope you find it helpful. Reach out if you want to discuss further.


Try variations on these tactics, and do some A/B testing to see which works best for you. At the end of the day, variety is what will ultimately reveal what tactics work best. And be creative. For example, end with a lesson or a famous quote that supports your viewpoint.


And don’t forget the perks of word-of-mouth marketing. Referral-based connections are useful because they get your brand in front of more people—which, in turn, increases your chances of generating more leads. Whatever social media channel you use to generate leads, be sure to guide users to your landing page. And remember that the aspects of your lead gen campaign should mirror everything else on your website, on your blog posts, and on your social media posts.

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