Luring Leads: Ideas For Creative Hooks

Let’s talk about crafting effective email subject lines; as well as captivating pre-headers.

Luring Leads: Ideas For Creative Hooks

  • 6 April, 2022

Let’s talk about crafting effective email subject lines; as well as captivating pre-headers. The role of a subject line is to communicate to the target—at a moment’s glance—what is inside the email. For the present purposes, the point is to convince readers why theyshould open it. While a catchy subject line can lead to higher open rates, ensure that the subject line is not misleading. Nobody likes to feel deceived. If the content does not seem to match the message inside, the email will likely do more harm than good, as it will lead to unsubscribes and SPAM reporting.

A pre-header is a short line of text that is usually displayed before a recipient even opens an email (like a smaller, secondary subject line). Format your pre-header to support your subject line and overall messaging. As with everything else, ensure it is relevant to the target audience, and is true to what is in the body of the email. Leaving the pre-header blank can lead to auto-generated ones (which are often unappealing or inappropriate).

Luring leads to a landing page can be done with blog-posts, social media announcements, or e-mails. All of these must be tailored to the sensibilities of the target audience—based on express interests, preferences, and needs. The first overture is an introduction. The follow-up should include a call to action (CTA). CTAs increase the likelihood that a lead will eventually be converted.

Snappy, concise emails are an effective way for you to communicate any message quickly. Use subject lines like “Congratulations!”, “Urgent question”, or “New opportunity”. Remember that each lead probably receives a slew of marketing messages every day. So try not to keep them waiting too long before they receive something.

Here are some sales hooks that you could use when making your sales pitch outline:

Tie your email to a recent event

Subject: Congratulations!

[target name],

Just saw the news about [trigger event]. Great to hear! Usually when this happens, [valuable asset] becomes a priority. So I thought you might be interested in finding out how we helped [similar company] [benefit]. I know things at [target company] must be crazy now. But if you’d like to learn more, let’s set up a quick call. What day and time works best for you? I can work around your schedule. Here’s a link to my calendar [link].

— [name]

Engage prospects with surprising questions; and intrigue them:

The best way to engage your target audience is to asking them a question that is relevant to their interests. The more surprising the question is, the greater the engagement. The trick is to be creative but not too personal. You want to relate to them without coming off as intrusive. Never start your sales hooks with harsh communication.

Find an unexpected, useful piece of information, and use it in the form of a question to which they will want to know the answer. Play off of the interests of your audience. Be sure to keep your questions relevant to your business / industry. Get them to ponder why you’re inquiring, and that keeps them engaged. Rather than making a regular request for anything, make an uncommon question that causes them to wonder why you’re asking it. Pique their curiosity. The idea is to establish a certain level of credibility, start Building rapport.

Push the target’s specific pain-point buttons:

Solving the right problems for your leads will go a long way to moving them along the sales pipeline and helping them convert. Recognizing the problems that your leads are facing will probably get their attention. It means that you understand their situation and may be able to resolve whatever issue they might be facing.

In order for this tactic to work, you need to be familiar with your customer’s concerns, challenges, and insecurities. Then show the target audience that you can relate to their troubles; let the leads know that you have a grasp of the problems with which they are contending. This is the best way to gain their trust. Find the things that set your product apart from others on the market. Then how it can serve as a viable solution. Use numbers to quantify the issue, if applicable. As soon as you remind the prospect of the issues they are facing, you’ll have a clear way to push your product and save the day. This is how you’ll motivate leads to convert to a customer.


People love being complimented, so use this charm during your pitch and they will be intrigued by what you have to offer. Bear in mind, though, that excessive praise— especially regarding personal characteristics—may come off as insincere or creepy. So ensure to express your flattery in such a way that it sounds sincere and contributes to the development of a professional relationship that offers a promising return. Show that you have respect for the prospect. And leave your audience wanting to know more about what you’re talking about.

The most effective emails involve special deals — things like free trials and big discounts. The enticing offer is the reason that many messages are successful. The only way to find the perfect subject line for your message and audience is to test, track, and tweak.

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