The Undeniable Advantages Of Automating Lead Generation

In order to automate the lead gen process, schedule follow-up emails that are paused or triggered based on whether a recipient opens an email, clicks a link, or replies.

The Undeniable Advantages Of Automating Lead Generation

  • 14 April, 2022

In order to automate the lead gen process, schedule follow-up emails that are paused or triggered based on whether a recipient opens an email, clicks a link, or replies. Be sure to set the amount of time between follow-ups. (A typical rule of thumb is 5 days between the first and second email, 7 days between the second and third.) Also be sure to specify the times you want them to send (for instance, between 8 am and 6 pm on weekdays; of the designated time zone). Optimize your copy and overall outreach strategy by A/B testing different subject lines, main body copy, and even the campaign sequences.

Personalizing is essential to an effective outreach strategy, but it is only one piece of the puzzle. The key is to use a cutting-edge SaaS—like LeadMachine.AI—to automate the lead generation process. With native integrations to your CRM, you can automate your outreach by triggering campaigns with a specified CTA—as when someone downloads an eBook, books a meeting, asks for a complimentary consultation, wants a free trial, subscribes to a newsletter, or signs up for a demo.

Let’s look at a couple of effective lead gen strategies that help compose great email copy

We can begin with PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve). Here, the idea is to highlight the potential problem that the prospect might be in need of solving. You then describe its adverse impact; showing that you have a firm grasp of the issue; and understand the problems that the prospect is likely dealing with. If possible, share stats that will drive home the importance of solving the problem. Let the target know that you understand the problem; and are adept at addressing it. Briefly explain how your product / service can help them solve it.

Don’t let the prospect’s anxiety about potential solutions deter them. Give them reassurance in any follow-ups, to allay fears and attenuate their natural hesitations. Acknowledge their concerns and make clear that they will be attended to. Make sure the prospect feels understood. So as they exchange progresses, be prepared to show that you’ll be able to face unexpected problems, and do so quickly. Persuade the prospect that this is a no-brainer.

Leave little doubt that your solution will confer a tremendous benefit. Do this by breaking down your solution into smaller chunks or steps. This way, your audience will have an easier time understanding it. Once you’ve outlined your solution, you should let your audience know about all the advantages that will ensue…if they decide to buy. Lower costs, saved time, easier operations, higher sales, better brand visibility, a boost in revenues, etc. If possible, provide hard data based on case studies and results from your current or past customers.

Weave a compelling yarn. Tell a story to which your prospects can relate. This way, the prospect feels as though he/she can identify with you, and learn something important— something new that may prove beneficial to their operation. Stories can quickly grab people’s attention and strike a chord—not only luring a lead, but engaging them emotionally. After all, the trick is to not only CATCH leads’ attention, but to KEEP their attention.

Just be careful to not bore your target audience with a tedious, never-ending story. Get to the point. Don’t make them wait too long for the payoff. You’ll lose them if you require them to keep listening / reading for too long. The culmination needs to be forthcoming: Briefly summarize the value of your solution, and explain why they should do business with you.

Bear in mind that relatively short emails work well on mobile devices. Consider a super- brief email like this:

Hello [target name],

My name is [name], and I’ll keep this quick. I’m working with an innovative new technology that saves busy executives like you as many as 10 hours each week. Could I have ten minutes of your time for a personalized demo that’ll make clear why entrepreneurs like [current customer that is well-known] love our product?


Another helpful tip: Be sure to attend to “alt text”: the text displayed when an image is not loaded in an email (or on a website).  Most email clients block images by default, requiring a reader to expressly give permission to download / view images. Using descriptive alt text helps get your message across, even when images are not displayed.  Stylized alt text (with selected colors and fonts) has increased in popularity and availability with different email clients; so there is an opportunity to be creative in this respect.

So what should you do when you know someone has already been to your website? Let’s look at a couple approaches that work in such a scenario:

Hi [target name],

You recently visited [company website] and [took this action]. If you’re interested in [topic of interest] then I can recommend the following additional resources: [relevant resource 1] and [relevant resource 2]. Our company also offers [key feature; other perks], which could help you [achieve specific goal]. Are you free for a call sometime this week to discuss this further?


Hi [target name],

Thanks for [action taken] on [company website]. Are you looking for a cost-effective way to [achieve goal]? I have done some research on [target company] and can offer some advice regarding [area of interest; relevant problem]. Do you have time for a call tomorrow to discuss a solution for your company?


This isn’t for a completely cold lead; as the prospect has completed an action on your site, which resulted in you capturing his/her email address. However, since there isn’t any indication that they are completely interested in talking to or buying from you, it might be treated as a COOL lead. Capitalize on these fleeting contacts when the opportunity arises. Be careful, though. Don’t simply add those who arrived through your website to a mass email list. Instead, send them a personalized email that acknowledges the actions they’ve taken on your site. Again: Avoid generic. Personalize!

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